SHINE Wire and Cable Blog

Cable Assembly, Wire Harnessing, Electro-Mechanical Assembly and More

The SHINE Wire and Cable Blog is the place to learn about custom cable assembly, electro-mechanical assembly, and wire harnessing. You’ll also read about lead wire assembly, cordsets, and wire and cable processing. In addition to contract manufacturing, the SHINE Wire and Cable Blog will cover engineering support, testing, and certifications. Check out our latest blog entries.

Cybersecurity for Electronic Assemblies

Cybersecurity isn’t just for large companies. It’s not just about computer networks either. According to September 2017 report from MForesight, a federally-funded research and development consortium, U.S. manufacturers of all sizes are prime targets for [...]

By | March 28th, 2018|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Supply Chains, Electronic Assemblies, and The Amazon Effect

Is the supply chain for electronic assemblies changing? In a recent article at SupplyChainDive, author Edwin Lopez argues that supply chains are in flux. Retail economists can blame Amazon, but industrial companies are choosing to [...]

What the Revised IPC Standards for Electronic Assemblies Mean for OEMs

Did you know that IPC has revised the two most widely-used standards in the electronics industry? How will these changes affect original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who need electronic assemblies? To find out, a leading news [...]

By | January 17th, 2018|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Price, Value, and the Electronic Interconnects You Need

What’s the best way to buy electronic interconnects such as custom cable assemblies, wire harnesses, and electro-mechanical assemblies? For many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), price is the main driver of procurement decisions. Price is important, [...]

Does Your Interconnect Manufacturer Have a Business Contingency Plan?

Major hurricanes and earthquakes are catastrophic, but (thankfully) rare. So are mega-blizzards, ice storms, and other natural events that could disrupt OEM supply chains. Rare isn’t the same as negligible, however, so it’s important to [...]

By | September 29th, 2017|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |0 Comments

Hurricane Season: Business Continuity and Risk-Based Thinking

How will Hurricanes Harvey and Irma affect your supply chain? Some companies may not be able to get the products or services that they need. Others may pay higher prices, or be unable to manufacture [...]


Do you need custom cable assembly, wire harnessing, or electro-mechanical assembly services? Are you looking for engineering support, too? SHINE is ready to help.

“During our recent spike in business the SHINE team really came through for us with in short notice. Pass along my gratitude to the entire staff.”

Jeff - Smith Medical

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